checkers2  checkers1  checkers

Hi Paula –

My name is Justin Geraci, my wife Sandy and I adopted Checkers (formerly Flame) from you about a year and a half ago. This past Tuesday was his second birthday so we wanted to share some photos with you.

The photos are: him laying with stuffed animals, him with his brother (he is the smaller one) and him taking a nap.
He has the most incredible temperament of any cat I’ve known. He is friendly, loves to be petted and he absolutely loves taking naps on fleece blankets (just like his baby blanket).
About a year ago we moved into a house and he loves the extra room to run and play. When we first adopted him, you gave us a green pipe cleaner which was his favorite toy. For his second birthday we got him some pipe cleaners and he loves batting them around the house.
He gets along with his 12 year old brother very well, and often mimics the things his older brother does. They lay together and bathe each other all the time.
You did an incredible job raising him, thank you so much. We could not be happier and love the little fella so much.
He says: “hi!”
Hope you enjoy the photos and hope you are doing well
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