November is a time to think about those who need help. November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to think about preventing cancer in pets.

What To Know About Cancer In Pets

Every year, twelve million dogs and cats are diagnosed with some type of cancer.  Cancer risks increase after age ten. Fortunately, animals with cancer can live better lives due to advances in medical treatment.

Cancer Symptoms.

Take your little pal to the vet if they have any of the following.

  • Severe diarrhea or vomiting
  • Dramatic Weight Loss
  • Swelling, bumps or lumps on the lymph nodes
  • Bad breath
  • Odd behavior
  • Unusual bleeding

Types of Cancers Pets Can Have

Middle-aged cats and dogs are susceptible to Mast Cell Tumors. Any breed of dog can contract bone cancer but large ones in particular. Intact females may develop mammary gland tumors. Lymphoma affects both cats and dogs. You are indeed urged to get your pet vaccinated. However, one rare ill effect of vaccines is VAS tumors that may develop at the vaccination site.

How to Lower a Pet’s Risks of Getting Cancer

Nothing is one hundred percent but there are some things you may do to reduce your pet’s risks of contracting cancer. A vet might offer you more information and viable solutions.

  • Get your pet spayed or neutered. A spayed female doesn’t get uterine or ovarian cancer and her chances of getting mammary cancer are very low.  Neutered males don’t get testicular tumors.
  • Do not expose your pet to carcinogens. UV radiation is as harmful to pets as to humans. Try not to smoke around your pet. Better yet, give it up altogether.
  • Feed your pet a healthy diet. Antioxidants and vitamins are great. Keep in mind what your pet shouldn’t eat. Processed ingredients, sugar or other pro-inflammatory ingredients are not good. Discuss what your pet eats with your veterinarian.
  • Get your pet tested. Early detection equals early treatment. Regular visits to the vet are in order. This may help detect other health problems, especially as your fuzzy buddy gets older.


Everyone wants their beloved pet’s life to be long and happy. Early detection is the key. Feed your pets well and keep them away from carcinogens. For more information, read this infographic.

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