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Intake/Surrender Form:  Dog Surrender Form for dogs.  Must provide both e-mail AND phone number to get a response.

Intake/Surrender Form: Cat Intake Information Form

Note: Before an owner surrender can be accepted or brought in, the Health and Welfare Chairperson must give authorization that the owner surrender can be brought in by appointment only.

If we are unable to take in your pet, we recommend visiting

*If you surrender your pet to Parma Animal Shelter (PAS), you lose all rights to your unwanted pet. You will not be able to visit, receive updates, or have any decision-making power in the pet’s future care and arrangements. If PAS agrees to accept your pet into our shelter, you must complete an Owner Surrender Application that severs all ties between you and your unwanted pet.

Rehoming Your Pet

Looking for a new home for your pet? If so, click here.

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