From Kristen: A little over a year ago I recieved terrible news, my cat Jake had gotten very sick and was diagonosed with FIV. I was in denial, watching him get sicker by the day was heartbreaking. My vet told me there was nothing more they could do for him and the most humane thing to do would be to have him euthanized. He was suffering and I was not ready to let him go. My other cat sat by his side through this, they were the bestest friends. The day before I was scheduled to take him in to the vet I woke up and he was in a coma. I was devestated, in denial. My cat watched us @ the door as we left with him, knowing he’d never see his friend again. I was so heartbroke, never felt so empty or sad. I had no more tears left. I knew I wanted another cat but was not quite ready. Finally I saw Spice and Paprika and they won me over. Since bringing her home I have never been happier, she is wonderful. Such a fun, crazy, sweet kitten. Adopting her was the best thing in the world! This animal shelter is wonderful. Paprika is slowly bringing the kitten out in my other cat again. I love it. I named the kitten ‘kitty kitty.’
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