Jasper and Willow formerly ‘Big Al’ and ‘Ivy’ were found at a week old along with their two brothers and one sister. They were bottle fed by their foster Mom, until they were big and strong and ready for their new homes!! Here is how they are doing now: I just wanted to send you an email and a picture to let you know how Jasper and Willow are doing. They’re both doing great, and love their kitten time in the house. Jasper has grown so big, he’s very mischievous. He’s also very smart. You have to watch what’s on the table when he’s around, because he knows how to get to it and he’s not successful the first time he believes in trying again He is also a purr boy and after much rambunctiousness, will settle down for some good loving. Willow is such a sweet girl. She is a little less hyper than Jasper, and loves to cuddle up. Although she has her moments where she likes to hunt too, and truly enjoys watching the birds in the birdfeeder. Her tail switches back-and-forth and her ears are all alert, and she’s just daring those bird to come a little bit closer. She likes to sit on my lap while I am at the table and working on the computer. She seems to think that whenever I’m at the table it’s her time to be in my lap, the matter what I am doing she really is a sweet girl. Prince seems to be enjoying having the kitten energy in the house, he comes downstairs more. He also watches them from afar and remembers his lost youth he does seem to be more alert now that the kittens have come. I have attached a picture so you can see how big they are. Thanks so much for saving them, they are a delight! ~Tina
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