Hello! I am Bowie (now named Henry)’s mom and I just wanted to send a happy update from our home back to the lovely volunteers at the shelter. When I adopted Bowie/Henry, he was a handful ‘ couldn’t walk on a leash, overly hyper, food agg??_ressive and had been returned to the shelter by two adoptive families before I met him. He came home with me at the beginning of January 2012 with all of his energy and disobedient behavior in tow. I am happy to write now, just over a year later, to let you know that Henry is the best boy I ever could have hoped for. He still had quite a bit of energy, don’t get me wrong, but he also knows sit, stay, lay, paw, off, door, and commands to get in the car, do his business and go in his crate. He walks on a leash like a champ, WAITS to eat his food from his bowl until he hears a release command, and I am able to put my hand in his mouth to take something out of it without any second thoughts. As I write this, he is lying under my chair working on his bone project and his sister, a two and a half year old blonde and white tabby cat, is perched on the bookshelf just over our shoulder. (Yes, Henry and Eleanore even LOOK related!) We are happy as can be, and I would also like to say for the record, his is the most cuddly boy I have ever met. Henry rocks my world. So thank you Parma Animal Shelter for all you do! Henry is happy in his forever home, and I am a very happy mommy. ‘ Erika
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