Hi everyone. My name is Dandelion. I wanted to say thank you for taking such good care of me while I was staying at the shelter. With your help, I found the best mommy and daddy! I love them almost as much as they love me. I have grown and put on a few pounds since I last saw you. My mom feeds me good food so now I have a new shiny and soft coat. I like to talk. Mom says I never shut up! I have a basket full of balls, toys that make chirping noises and catnip. My favorite is the toy that runs across the floor when mom pushes a button. I have two older brothers that I love to chase around the house. When mom isn’t looking I like to jump on the kitchen table and knock everything over.
My favorite spot in the house is the couch across from the patio doors. I like to look at the animals outside. I love my new home. I am so spoiled here. I miss you all and hope you are doing well. Tell my friends I said hi!