From Samantha Purea: One Year ago, we completed Our little feline family. We Brought home Luna ( CANDLE ) and the babies were happy to see their momma. I can say that this year has flown by with these three??_. and we grow to love them more and more every day.

Nova ‘ the little lover??_ PURRS like you wouldn’t believe, and meows at everything. So inquisitive and playful. even greets us at the door when we come in. We jokingly call him ‘fat boy’ cause he has about 5-lbs on his sister. That doesn’t stop him from his aerial ‘attacks’. He LOVES to jump up into My (Sam) arms when I am not looking or expecting it. I have to say I do quite love it . He goes out of his way to give loves to the dogs, which is funny as heck watching him chase them through the house only to plop in front of them and PURR. He is a character and MAKES us LAUGH a 100x times a day. His cuddles brings hugs and purrs, he even loves to sit with me while I edit photos.

Nala- oooh my little hunter??_ I swear she can here a spider crawling through the walls from 50 yards away. LOL she will stare at the walls like something is gonna jump out and get her, and OMG if there is a fly in the house??_ NO ONE rests until she gets it. hehe and I LOVE her squeaky little meow. Her cuddles are a bit extra special cause they are on HER terms. I have come to expect them every day around 11am ( when the other two are napping ) Funny, she reminds me so much of my Nibbles ( the one that passed away which led me to them) . She NEVER runs from my camera and I think in a past life she was a photographer or a model cause she knows just how to pose. LOL

Luna ‘ Oh Little miss Momma ‘ such a sweet baby. Her cuddles are so sweet, You can tell she loves it here??_ even though it took her time to come out of her shell. We think she feared being taken back or dumped off. She is finally ( as we see it ) feeling at home. Helps round up the babies and keeps them outta trouble. She seems to have some Skin allergies and we take her for shots every 2-3 months but with every shot, she seem more and more loving. I know it sounds weird??_ but I think she feels we love her more and more and she gives it right back. At Christmas we got a Throw blanket and Miss Luna will go out of her way to find it and sleep on it. SHE LOVES that blanket. Each day she shows more and more of her personality , and she has a way of ‘Thanking you’ that just is sooooo sweet and special, we couldn’t ask for more.

We couldn’t ask for sweeter animals and I want to thank Paula for taking care of babies till we found them, and Thank you to Parma Animal Shelter For Letting me adopt all three of them last year??_. they have healed my heart in ways I can’t explain, and are just pure Joy to have here. WE LOVE THEM SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!

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